quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2017

quarta-feira, 14 de junho de 2017

Filmes e Documentários

Filmes e Documentários indicados por Olavo de Carvalho

O Tirano da Aldeia
The Putim Sysytem
Agenda Riding America Down
The Great Global Warning Swindle
Global Warning ou Global Governance?
Farenhype 9/11
Michael Moore Hates America


Segue lista de livros indicados por Olavo de Carvalho no decorrer dos seus programas do Outspeak.

A Rede do Terror - Claire Sterling
Rompendo o Silêncio - Brilhante Ustra
Origem do Totalitarismo - Marcos Hiedenger
A Era do Individuo - Alan Renot
To Eliminate the Opiate - Rabino Marvin ANteman
Adeus, Homens de Deus. Como Corromperam a Igreja Católica nos EUA - Michael S. Rose
 O Intelectual e as Massas - Eric Hoffer
False Dawn - Lee Penn
Regras para os Radicais - Saul Alisky
O Mito da Psicoterapia - Thomas Szasz
A Hegemonia e a Estratégia Socialista - Ernesto Laclrau
Historias das Idéias Politicas - ERIC VOEGELIN
A KGB e a Desinformação Soviética (KGB and the Soviet Desinformation) -  Ladislav Bittman
A Slobbering Love Affair THe True and Pathetic Story - Bernard Goldberg
A Tela Demoníaca - Lotte H. Eisner
Multiculturalism And The Politics Of Guilt: Toward A Secular Theocracy - Paul Gottfried
Brotherhood of Darkness -  Dr. Stanley Monteith
Reflexões Sobre a Revolução na França - Edmund Burke
O Homem Tridimensional - Herbert Marcuse
The True Story of The Bildeberg Group - Daniel Estulin
Red Cocaine - Joseph D. Douglas
Devil Final Battle (O Derradeiro Combate do Demônio)- Father Paul Kramer
Rebelião das Massas - Jose Ortega y Gasset
Warning to the West - Hermann Rausching
The World was Going our Way - Christopher Andrew
Proofs of Conspiracy - Jonh Robison
Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America - P. David Gaubatz
Nova Ciência Politica - Eric Vorgelin
The Fearful Master - G. Edward Griffin
Poder Global e Religião Universal - Juan Claáudio Sanahya
Reflexões Sobre a Revolução na Europa - Ralf Dahrendorf
Ordem e História - Eric Voegelin
Stalin's War - Ernst Topish
A Cidade de Deus - Santo Augustinho
O Plano Soviético de Estado Mundial - Elliot R. Goodmen
Liberties of Mind - Charles Morgan
Regresso as Admirável Novo Mundo - Aldous Huxley
Report from Iron Mountain
Desinformation 22 media myths that undermine the war on terror - Richard Miniter
Shadow War: The Untold Story of How Bus is Winnning the War on Terror - Richard Miniter
Losing Bin Laden How Bill Clinton's failures Unleash Global Terror -  Richard Miniter
A História da Inteligencia Brasileira - Wilson Martins
The Spiral of Silence : Public Opinion, Our Social Skin - ELISABETH NOELLE-NEUMANN
The Manchurian PResidente - Aaron Klein
A Estratégia do Grupo Nazista - Karl Mannhein
Political Pomerology - Andrezes Lobaczwski
The Power Elite - Charles Weigh Mills
The Visions of Annointed - Thomas Sowell
Foundations, Their Power and Influence - René Wormser
The Trivium - Sister Mirian Joseph
Another Sort of Leaning - James V. Shall
Da Alvorada a Decadencia (The House of Intellect) - jacques Berzun
Megashif - James Rutz
Reflexos sobre a Revolução na Europa - Ralf Dahrendorf
The Naked Communist - Cleon Skousen
O Grande Culpado - Viktor Suvorov
A Melhor Democracia que o Dinheiro Pode Comprar  - Greg Palast
Marx and Satan- Richard Wurmbrand
Tragedy and Hope - Carrol Quigley
Fearful Master - Edward Griffin
The Politics of Surrender - M. Staton Evans
The Anglo American Establishment - Carrol Quigley
Mao's Great Famine - Frank Dikotter
A Corporação - NIcola Hagger
A Vida Intelectual - Antony Gilbert Sertillanges
No Palco dos Outros - Sérgio Brito
Icebreaker - Viktor Suvorov
A Patriot's History os the United States - Larry Shweikart MIchael Patrick
How America Got it Right - Bein Alexander
O Guia do Politicamente Incorreto da Historia americana - Thomas Woods
Arms to the Spain - Gerald Howson
Red Hot Lies - Chistopher C. Horner
A Historia da Literatura Ocidental -Otto Maria Carpeaux
Ideologia de Genero - Dr. Jorge Scala
the Liberal Imagination - Lionel Trilling
H.G. Wells - The Open Conspiracy
Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World -  Cliff Kincaid
Global Taxes for World Government - Cliff Kincaid
Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, de E. Michael Jones
The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship: An Examination of Epistemic Autocracy, de Phillip Darrell Collins and Paul David Collins
Les Espérances Planétaires, de Hervé Ryssen
Hope of Wicked : The Master Plan to Rule the World, de Ted Flynn
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (and Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between ckck Obama and the Mainstream Media
Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt: Toward a Secular Theocracy, by Paul Edward Gottfried
Heitor de Paola – O eixo do mal latino americano e a Nova Ordem Mundial
Sexual Morality in a Christless World - Matthew Rueger
A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance - Leon Festinger
Guerra em Surdina- Boris  Schnaiderman
Uma Breve História da Filosofia - Nigel Warburton
A Rede do Terror - Claire Sterling
Manual do Guerrilheiro Urbano
Eric Voegelin, “Ordem e História”, e principalmente “A Nova Ciência da Política”.
Criminalistica - Luiz Eduardo Carvalho Dorea
O Esfacelamento Da Nação - José Walter Bautista Vidal
A Casa da Vovó - Marcelo Godoy
História da Filosofia Ocidental - Bertrand Russeall
Autópsia Do Medo - Percival de Souza
A Síndrome Da Rainha Vermelha Marcos Rolim
Antony C. Sutton
The Intellectual History of Europe" -Friedrich Heer
Manual do Local do Crime - Alberi Espindula
Manual do Canalha - Simão Pessoa
O Livro de Ouro da História da Música - Carpeaux, Otto Maria
“Manual do Espada” e
“Manual do Garanhão”
O império Ecologico - Pascal Bernardin
Maquiavel Pedagogo - Pascal Bernardin
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
História da Civilização - Will Durant
Catro Nery - A História do Pensamento Ocidental
Homo Sovieticus - Alexander Zinoviev
Main Currents of Marxism: The Founders - The Golden Age - The Breakdown  - Leszek Kolakowski
Megashift - James Rutz
"Stalin´s War", de Ernst Topitsch
The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals -  Scott Lively (Author), Kevin Abrams
Germany's National Vice -  Samuel Igra
Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies - M. Stanton Evans
The Rise of Global Governance, and Agenda 21 -  Henry Lamb
Os Donos do Poder - Formação do Patronato Político Brasileiro - Raymundo Faoro
Psicologia do Subdesenvolvimento - Meira Penna
Edward Jay Epstein - Tudo Importante
Stalin's War of Extermination, 1941-1945: Planning, Realization and Documentation - Joachim Hoffmann
The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast - Joel Richardson
Gnosiologia pluridimensional; fundamentos fenomenológico-críticos do conhecimento da verdade - Stanislaus Ladusâns
Ideas and consequences - Richard Weaver
Fidel - o Tirano Mais Amado do Mundo  - Humberto Fontova
Fundations: Their Power and influence - Rene Wormser
O século do nada - Gustavo Corção
As Origens da França Contemporanea -  Hyppolite Taine
Double Lives - Stephen Koch
A Sagração da Primavera - Modris Eksteins
The Age of Minerva -  Paul Ilie
A Ação HUmana - Mises
The Anatomyof Melancholy - Rober Burton
On Growth and Form -  Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth
At War with the Word: Literary Theory and Liberal Education - R V Young
Against Deconstruction -   John Martin Ellis
The Fellowship: The Untold Story of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship -  Harold Zellman
A Revolução Francesa- Pierre Gaxotte
The Shape of Things to Come - H.G. Wells
A Crise Das Ciências Europeias e a Fenomenologia Transcendental - Edmund Husserl
A Mistificação das Massas Pela Propaganda Política - Sergei Tchakhotine
Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature - Stephen O. Murray
A Enxada e a Lança - a África Antes Dos Portugueses - Alberto da Costa e Silva
O Homem Revoltado - Albert Camus
Os sonâmbulos: Como eclodiu a Primeira Guerra Mundial -  Christopher Clark
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness -  Jr. M. D. Lyle H. Rossiter
Ideologies and the Corruption of Thought, Joseph Gabel
The Dawkins Delusion- Alister McGrath]
A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War - Victor Davis Hanson
A Farsa Ianomâmi - Yanomami (Gen Carlos Alberto Lima Menna Barreto)
Kinsey Crimes and Consequences: The Red Queen and the Grand Scheme  -  Judith Reisman
History of the Popes - Leopold von Ranke
Domesday book and beyond : three essays in the early history of England -  Frederic William
A Cultura do Renascimento na Itália (Jacob Burckhardt)
Theodor Mommsen - Historia de Roma
Historia da grecia - george grote
The King's Two Bodies -  Ernst H. Kantorowicz
O Declínio da Idade Média - Johan Huizinga ]
A Mulher no Tempo das Catedrais - Regine Pernoud
Frederick the Great - Thomas Carlyle
A Sagração da Primavera - Modris Eksteins
The South Was Right! -  James Ronald Kennedy
Cosmos & Transcendence: Breaking Through the Barrier of Scientistic Belief  -  Wolfgang Smith
Os Sapos de Ontem - Bruno Tolentino
Judgement at Moscow - Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky
A Revolução Quilombola - Nelson Ramos Barretto]
Os Intelectuais - Paul Johnson
Karl Marx, racist - Nathaniel Weyl
Marx & Satan - Richard Wurmbrand
Karl Marx and the critical examination of his works - Leslie R. Page
Marx as Politician - David Felix
O Ano do Galo - Verdades sobre a China - Guy Sorman

sábado, 29 de abril de 2017





domingo, 23 de abril de 2017


Olavo de Carvalho explica em um de seus programas de rádio que o conhecimento que ele nos proporciona pode ser análogo a uma cebola. Na superfície aparece o programa de rádio True Outspeak, onde  responde perguntas de ouvintes e comenta notícias. Em seguida, um pouco mais fundo na cebola, sem os artigos de jornais. Mas nestes, devido a maneira minimalista de ser dos jornais de hoje Olavo não consegue aprofundar mais nos assuntos. Depois vem os livros e finalmente, no fundo da cebola, o Curso de Filosofia.





sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2017

Rogério Hulk

Rogério Hulk, atleta a 31 anos, professor de musculação a 27 anos ,trabalhou e treinou com atletas conceituados como a Rainha Alair Salvadego, Luiz Otávio de Freitas, Adolfo Acosta, Paulo Lima. Deficiente visual, Campeão Brasileiro de Para Fisiculturismo, dentre outros títulos -  descreve sua trajetória, seu treino e ainda fala das dificuldades e peculiaridades do fisiculturismo.
Rogério Hulk, atleta a 31 anos, professor de musculação a 27 anos ,trabalhou e treinou com atletas conceituados como Alair Salvadego, Luiz Otávio de Freitas, Adolfo Acosta, Paulo Lima. Deficiente visual, Campeão Brasileiro de Para Fisiculturismo, dentre outros títulos -  descreve sua trajetória, seu treino e ainda fala das dificuldades e peculiaridades do fisiculturismo

Federação IFBB
5 Lugar Campeonato Paulista Estreantes
Categoria Master Pesada

Federação NABBA
Campeonato Paulista Estreantes
Categoria Master Pesada
2 Lugar

Campeonato Paulista
Categoria Master Pesada
1 Lugar

Federação FEPAN (atual WBBF)
Campeonato Paulista Estreantes
Categoria Master Pesada
2 Lugar

Campeonato Paulista Estreantes
Categoria Paraculturista
1 Lugar

Campeonato Paulista
Categoria Master Pesada
4 Lugar

Campeonato Paulista
Categoria Parafisiculturimo
1 Lugar

Federação WBPF
Campeonato Paulista Estreantes
Categoria Paraculturismo
1 Lugar

Campeonato Paulista
Categoria Paraculturismo
1 Lugar

Campeonato Brasileiro
Categoria Paraculturismo
1 Lugar


Federação WBPF
Campeonato Paulista
Categoria Master Pesada
3 Lugar

Campeonato Paulista
Categoria Paraculturismo
1 Lugar


For over 12 years, TV Carnage has been at the forefront of incredibly humorous video collages. It is the innovator of a popularized movement that arranges glimpses into brilliant and hypnotic stories that examine and satirize media’s involvement in today’s evolution of popular culture. TV Carnage's creator Derrick Beckles also currently hosts Adult Swim's Hot Package, is a producer and correspondent for Vice TV, and recently appeared on Comedy Central's Drunk History.

lso fueling the nostalgia is content. When things went straight to video in the ’80s and early ’90s, much of the content was meant to be disposable. The best way to get a real feel for how awful this content was is to look to a compilation series called TV CARNAGE. Derrick Beckles collected oddball video footage from the moment it started turning up at flea markets and yard sales. He was part of an informal network of collectors who traded the most jaw-dropping examples of trash culture. When he was laid up with an injury in 1996 he got two VHS machines and started editing together the most horrible clips. His genius at juxtaposing these has created a new generation of VHS aficionados.

Beckles recently turned up as a host on an Adult Swim show called Hot Package. The format is a panel like Entertainment Tonight where they review a mix of vintage and current clips compatible with the junk culture aesthetic. One of his co-hosts is an animated talking VHS machine that spews pink goo. His latest project: Totally for Teens blends vintage after-school-special material with new footage with the intent of “giving these teens the worst set of ethics and morals possible.” If you weren’t around for the glory days of awful VHS productions, TV CARNAGE is here to show you what you missed.


Skeleton Farm Productions are responsible for the Satan’s Drive-In and Channel 666 video mixtapes, as well as the fantastic Forbidden Transmission cable access TV show. Just in time for Halloween this year they have put together a fantastic mix of music and clips.
A video mixtape, if you’re not familiar, is a collection of “the best parts” from movies, rock videos, commercials, TV shows, or wherever, edited together in rapid fire fashion. The first Mixtape I saw was one of the early volumes of TV Carnage. I was thoroughly entertained, but I never sought out more. A few years ago I discovered the show, Forbidden Transmission, and was immediately hooked. It was a great mix of incredibly funny rock videos (mostly from the 80's), and assorted randomness (a cooking show recipe for a squirrel salad sandwich). The biggest problem with Forbidden Transmission was that there wasn’t very much of it. Eight episodes were produced, followed by Halloween and Christmas specials. I waited for a second season, but it never came.

A public access cable show that aired on Albuquerque Comcast Channel 27.

Christmas Special
Season 1, Episode 10
S1 E9
Watch Forbidden Transmission Halloween Special online
Halloween Special
Season 1, Episode 9
S1 E8
Watch Forbidden Transmission Saturday Morning Freakout online
Saturday Morning Freakout
Season 1, Episode 8
S1 E7
Watch Forbidden Transmission Kaiju A Go-Go online
Kaiju A Go-Go
Season 1, Episode 7
S1 E6
Watch Forbidden Transmission Let's Go To The Drive-In online
Let's Go To The Drive-In
Season 1, Episode 6
S1 E5
Watch Forbidden Transmission Cosmic Cocktail online
Cosmic Cocktail
Season 1, Episode 5
S1 E4
Watch Forbidden Transmission Night Flight Tribute online
Night Flight Tribute
Season 1, Episode 4
S1 E3
Watch Forbidden Transmission World Bizarre online
World Bizarre
Season 1, Episode 3
S1 E2
Watch Forbidden Transmission Zombified online
Season 1, Episode 2
S1 E1
Watch Forbidden Transmission Cultural Meltdown online
Cultural Meltdown
Season 1, Episode 1

“Saturday Morning Freakout” is an episode of the Forbidden Transmission public access cable show, which aired on Albuquerque Comcast Channel 27 from April 2007 to December 2007. The producer, Skeleton Farm Productions, uploaded a bunch of the shows to Cinemageddon recently, describing his handiwork thusly:

Each episode is a collage of rare movie trailers, b-movie clips, old toy commercials, obscure music videos, strange kids shows, bad foreign television and much more. It’s thirty minutes of pure brain-melting video weirdness.

Victor E. Frankl aplicado no estágio de Maturidade

A forma de intervenção para os indivíduos no estágio de maturidade é a logoterapia. Desenvolvida por Viktor E. Frankl, tendo como bases su...